Monday, September 6, 2010

EPIC battle comic between good vs. evil

Here is a comic that I drewed instead of doing my hw, it involves my daily struggle and oppression by the evil overlord that is coffee and caffeine, and how I try to quit (rebel) but every time I do caffeine crash is too epicly painful (the man's whip! maaan FLUORIDE) .  Btw it's not really clear but this is in a pretend fantasy over-exaggerated world where everything is dramatic and the last *panel is back in real life where I caved and got back into the terrible caffeine dependency cycle of sadness and doom.



  1. NOTICE: how the first frame is all shaded and the rest are not? This is an ancient artist technique called 'laziness' LOLOLOLOL

  2. lololol XD laziness worked out well though :D And man, I wish you could successfully stay off it. You were off for a while at one point

  3. this is awesommmmme! so funny and well made. i feel out of touch that there were like 102348 posts on here from the last time. I only have two :/ you guys, read my blog. because my floormates are pissing me off. INTENSELY.

  4. I just showed my friend yas your static shock thing and she is in awe of your talkent
