Wednesday, December 29, 2010

BONK! wip

BONK! lul can't get that out of my head

This is a drawing I did for a 'Doodle Duel' I had with Nile

vurry fun


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

another self portrait

giggle snort
hey GUYS I know you've missed me... tee hee~

But here to make it up to you GUYS...

forever alone...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Curse you Minecraft!

My oh my what an addicting game... its graphics are so great, it is like a vintage video game instant-classic.  But there is nothing more devastating than dying a dark, cold, lonely death deep within a cave after a run in with a zombie... oh woe....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wave studies in corel painter 11

Here comes the filler!

Experimenting in corel painter, trying to depict midnight waves tossing a sailboat about with a very quiet light source (and orange flame-ish single light source kinda)  but these are just kind of bored doodles I did trying to see which marks, values, hues etc.  Makes the scene... I kinda like the subtlety of the first one.  Though I think the orange is too wham-bam-thank-you-mam but eh well you learn from your mistakes...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy belated Halloween!

Somewhat Halloween-ish zombie doodle.  Very old doodle though, sorry.
*edit* it's Arnold Schwarzenegger's stunt man from Terminator gone zombie btw 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Abomidable Dr. Phibes

Pattern assignment - abomidable Dr. Phibes themed :3

Full size please~


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Herbert West - expert of social norms

Instead of doing homework...
Idk why this scene cracks me up so much.  The character in the bottom frame is Cain, Herbert West's Room mate and a now ex-cat owner.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

American Psycho

Figured I was overdue for an update, so I upload some kaka doodles.

Gawd, today has been frustrating artistically.  Everything I've drawn today I had to scrap due to crappy.
Here is a doodle I made while reading some of "American Psycho" gotta love some Patrick Bateman, the sicko yuppie.
I tried making it all black and silhouette-ey like Mike Mignola (artist of Hellboy), but honestly it looks like poop. :C

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic - Re-puninator

"The real reason why no one likes Herbert West from the Re-Animator"


Edit:  More gay fan art

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Comic - Potty humor

So this one is a really crappy comic.  Sorry for the suckish, but there are some poop jokes that make it all better.

I was originally going to make this a whole hella longer, but then I got bored, and didn't.  I was going to have this whole scene with a handicapped kid needing to use the crapper but then the guy pelting him in the face with some heavy, preferably metallic, object.  And then there was gonna be a toilet paper mummy, and Elvis, and maybe some of Jimmy Hoffa references, not to mention a nice building montage with Beetles music playing in the background... man... it was gonna be beautiful...


P.S. Just thought of another one, LINCOLN LOG! Get it? LOG?  The guy is engineering a brown submarine in this comic, it's CLASSIC!

P.S.S. While reading over this thing again I thought, heh...I really should have put "POO-etry" instead of "Poetry" eh-well.

Friday, September 10, 2010

What a horrible comic I've made

This is a dream I had last night, me and Vincent Price were morning his dead wife Leigia (whom happens to be a tea cup thingy) when Static Shock comes in and raises a stink.  (Shocking isn't it? AHUR AHUR AHUR)

 I now realize how dumb this is, and I apologize for the life wasted reading this, but I got some giggles drawing it instead of doing homework.  The most painful part was making my handwriting legible, next time I'll use a font, I don't even care how shitty it will look.


Monday, September 6, 2010

EPIC battle comic between good vs. evil

Here is a comic that I drewed instead of doing my hw, it involves my daily struggle and oppression by the evil overlord that is coffee and caffeine, and how I try to quit (rebel) but every time I do caffeine crash is too epicly painful (the man's whip! maaan FLUORIDE) .  Btw it's not really clear but this is in a pretend fantasy over-exaggerated world where everything is dramatic and the last *panel is back in real life where I caved and got back into the terrible caffeine dependency cycle of sadness and doom.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nile - Doodle

Today Nile and I had some hard core photoshop doodle - time,
As you can see, pretty intense.
This is my thinking face, true story btw.

 We also made a really epic comic strip (that I can't for some reason find :"C )involving a snail and a man who hates snails, needless to say I named it "Last snail in the coffin"  he he...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More weird doodles

I've been experimenting with some styles recently, I'm trying to veer from my normally cutsey cartoons to a more ugly cartoon type style.  I like to think of it as the dark cabaret of the visual art world, if there can be such a thing.  So yeeeaaahh...

Sorry all my posts have been crappy sketchbook pictures, I'll try to have some 'polished' work up soon.

I like the chick on the bottom left the most - tee hee~
And I had a couple other sketchbook pictures that I put up, but I took them back down because I hardly think they are worthy enough -sniff-

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nile made me do it!

Nile is forcing me to update!  MYEAH!
Even though I don't like any of my sketches this time...

Here is a sketch that I did in class, I was trying to draw free handed without using the 'circle skeleton guide', just go straight into drawing the features instead of a gestural drawing first.  I kinda do that a lot when I'm just doodling to get used to doing a large variety of arches and angles on the first try, even though they don't look like much they are awesome practice and fun to do too! :D
I can't remember what I was thinking when I did this, but for some reason I like the monkey kid.  (Sorry that the page is at an angle, it makes him look kinda scrunched up, but hes not really!  Honest!)
And this last one is Ashley from the Evil dead series (technically he didn't acquire the chainsaw hand until Evil Dead 2 *giggle snort*)  My roomie and I decided to set up the xbox in the commons to watch it on the big tv, only to have everybody and their brother come by and make fun of the stop motion effects...  BLASPHEMY  (Aren't art kids supposed to be open minded? *sob sob*)

Welp that's all for now. . .  I wish I had a better way to end this post, like a nice conclusion paragraph to frame the nice meaty and juicy parts of this fantabulous post but uh... bai.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hallo!  I've been drawing like crazy lately, I just beat my last sketchbook fill record by filling up a 210 page sketchbook in under 2 weeks!!!  Wowza, some of those things last me 2 to 6 months.  My favorites lately are for some reason the skritchy scratchy ink sketches.  I'm pretty happy with them now, but I know in like a week or so I will be ashamed of them and wish that I hadn't put them up.

My two artist obsessions of the week would have to be Dave McKean and Ralph Steadman,  I've been so obsessed I have even been dreaming in their art styles.

Here are some monkeys.

I like this lil bugger the best ^

Monday, August 30, 2010

AH - Sketchbook ink doodle

Some doodles I made today in Art History class during the 5 minute break.  Sorry for the crappy quality of the picture of my sketchbook, my camera just got kaput and now I'm resorting to using my laptop web cam.