Sunday, August 7, 2011

Doodle dump

So heres a dump of doodles raning back to like winter to like, yesterday.  I tend to hesitate to post em cause I figure they aren't good enough, but what the hell.

Yup Buffy fan art


This bit took FOREVER

Blackadder the third


I have a lot more doodles in my sketchbooks but digital are a lot easier to post

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


SO... I know it's been a while, I know... but I'm working on a semi-believable excuse to cover up my laziness...

Before I post a whole bunch of my art let me provide a montage of my living habitat;

This here is where the serial killers spend their days indulging their voyeurism habits by watching the beach goers through their suspicious telescopes that stick out of their windows.

Probably where they spend the nights dumping the bodies and or committing suicide.

Now that we've ended that chapter

BUNNIES! (and guinea pigs)
Yes the only way to properly end a serial killer digression is with imagery of an albino baby bunny wabbit and his estranged half-brother guinea pigs.  Oh god they are just so frikken cute I want to just hug them until they stop moving.  The guinea pigs were so tiny you could probably fit two in your mouth at a time... probably...

On to the campus!

My campus
My... muuuuse...
 I just realized that all my non-art photos are hogging up a lot of space and I'll most likely get too tired at the end of typing some of this stuff, I wont even end up uploading all of my images... but wait my hungry lil chicks, mama bird'll feed you... patience my baby birdies... mama bird'll feed you...

My necronomicon themed sketchbooks... 

I was going paint a differently themed cover on every sketchbook (at least three necronomicons) I completed with unused acrylic from my projects, but I ended up getting over-swamped and using up more sketchbooks than I could paint at the time, but I'm working on the third.

Good lord baby birdies, look at the time, I started writing this blorrgh entry before dinner and now it is like... woah man... lookin at the clock, where'd the hours go?  Um... WELLP


Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Micheal Cera and Jack Black in creepy costumes btw