Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hallo!  I've been drawing like crazy lately, I just beat my last sketchbook fill record by filling up a 210 page sketchbook in under 2 weeks!!!  Wowza, some of those things last me 2 to 6 months.  My favorites lately are for some reason the skritchy scratchy ink sketches.  I'm pretty happy with them now, but I know in like a week or so I will be ashamed of them and wish that I hadn't put them up.

My two artist obsessions of the week would have to be Dave McKean and Ralph Steadman,  I've been so obsessed I have even been dreaming in their art styles.

Here are some monkeys.

I like this lil bugger the best ^

Monday, August 30, 2010

AH - Sketchbook ink doodle

Some doodles I made today in Art History class during the 5 minute break.  Sorry for the crappy quality of the picture of my sketchbook, my camera just got kaput and now I'm resorting to using my laptop web cam.